Privacy Notice

  1. Who we are

    Your personal information is collected by Unitech Holding ADM Limited.

    Unitech Holding ADM Limited's contact details are as follows:

    Correspondence Address: Unit 303C 3/F Block A Hung Hom Commercial Centre, 39 Ma Tau Wai Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon

    Email: [email protected]

    If you have questions, please contact the Data Protection Officer at:

    Email: [email protected]

    Post: Unit 303C 3/F Block A Hung Hom Commercial Centre, 39 Ma Tau Wai Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon
  2. Data collection and usage

    We will collect store and use your personal information to allow access to our website ("Website"), our mobile apps, and to allow you to register with us, subscribe to our services, buy and use our products and services, and for the purposes set out in more detail in this section.

    Your information may be shared with some third parties as is set out in more detail below.

    What information we collectHow we use your dataWhy we use your information

    Information that we collect through your use of our website including:

    1. Device information such as operating system, unique device identifiers, the mobile network system

    2. Hardware and browser settings

    3. Date and time of requests

    4. The requests you make

    5. The pages you visit and search engine terms you use

    6. Location information

    7. IP address

    We use this information, including to:

    1. Provide and adapt our services to take account of the technical capabilities of our users

    2. Develop new services based on the information being collected, the behaviors of our users and the technical capabilities of our users

    3. Improve our services to better suit the behaviors and technical capabilities of the users of our service

    4. Identify issues with the website and our users' experience of it

    5. Monitor the way our website is used (including locations it is accessed from, devices it is accessed from, understanding peak usage times and analyzing what functionality and information is most and least accessed)

    6. We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site. These companies may use aggregated information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, please see Opt Out - NAI

    We have a legitimate interest in managing our business including:

    1. understanding how our customers use our products, services and websites

    2. researching and analyzing the services our customers want

    3. improving our services

    4. providing security over our business and who we trade with

    5. ensuring network and information security

    6. fraud prevention and detection

    7. assessing the number of visitors and page views in order to optimize future marketing campaigns

    8. providing advertising space on our Website to third party advertisers and providing information to third parties to ensure that to provide relevant adverts to you

    Information provided when you subscribe to our services and as part of your account with us including:

    1. Your username

    2. Your password

    3. Your account settings

    4. Your account preferences

    5. Your email address

    6. Your age

    7. Your gender

    8. Your occupation

    9. When you use our forums, if you use Social Media Single Sign-on, your Facebook name or Twitter handle, date of birth and language preferences

    10. Any personal data which you post on our forums (N.B. in terms of our forum rules it is forbidden to post personal data on our forums)

    We use this information, including to:

    1. Provide our products and services

    2. Manage and administer our systems

    3. To communicate with you regarding your account and our services

    4. To market our goods and services to you, including via newsletters and emails relating to e-commerce sales, non e-commerce promotions and product launches

    5. To identify instances of account impersonation

    6. Where you have provided consent, to provide your personal data to third parties so that they make market their goods or services to you, and/or to market third parties' goods or services to you

    We use this information because this is necessary to enter into or perform our contract with you . For example, we use your account details to supply our services to you, to communicate with you, and to enable you to log in to your account and use our services.

    We use this information because this is necessary as in the public interest e,g. to prevent, investigate and/or report fraud.

    In addition, we have a legitimate interest in:

    1. using your information to market our goods and services to you

    2. maintaining suppression records to ensure we have a record of your objection to direct marketing (if given)

    In addition, we use this information where we have collected your consent – for example, in order to send you direct marketing messages from or relating to third parties. You can withdraw your consent at any time (in your account preferences or settings) or by contacting the Data Protection Officer.

    Our third party marketing partners use this information where we have collected your consent to do so.

    Information that you give us to make a purchase , whether online or over the phone including:

    1. Your contact details including: your name, address, email address and telephone number

    2. Your credit card details

    3. The product / service purchased

    We use this information, including to:

    1. Process your order

    2. Take payment from or give you a refund

    3. On-board you as a subscriber

    4. Provide our products and services

    5. Manage and administer our services

    6. Help us ensure that our customers are genuine and to prevent fraud

    7. Send personalized offers or shopping ideas which are based on your shopping habits

    We use this information because this is

    1. necessary to enter into or perform our contract with you

    2. necessary as in the public interest – for example, undertaking anti-fraud screening and verifying our customer identities

    We have a legitimate interest in ensuring that debts are paid.

    Information about the way you use our services including:

    1. The things that we've provided or you've purchased

    2. When and where you've made the purchases

    3. What you paid and how

    4. Whether you've opened electronic communications from us

    5. Whether you've clicked on links in electronic communications from us

    6. Your marketing preferences

    We use this information, including to:

    1. Develop new services based on what we learn from your activity and the activity of other customers

    2. Improve our services and efficiency of service delivery to help us meet your needs and expectations

    3. Identify products and marketing that may be of interest to you

    4. Personalize our service to you: to provide you with, make available, and show you more of the things which interest you, based on your activity and feedback

    5. Do statistical analysis and research with the purpose of allowing us to better understand the breakdown of our customers, the products / services being bought, the demographics of those buying our products and services, what attracts our customers to our products and services, where our customers have come from online (such as from links on other websites or advertising banners), and the way in which our website is used by different users groups

    We have a legitimate interest in managing our business including:

    1. understanding how our customers use our products, services and websites

    2. researching and analyzing the services our customers want

    3. improving our services

    4. understanding the type of products and services our customers buy and how they use them

    5. assessing the number of visitors, page views etc. in order to optimize future marketing campaigns

    Information when you communicate with us whether in person, through our website or via email, over the phone, through social media or via any other medium, including:

    1. Your contact details (this may include your social media account if that's the way you communicate with us)

    2. The details of your communications with us (including when you sent it, when we received it and where you sent it from (such as our website, via email, through social media))

    3. The details of our messages to you

    We use this information, including to:

    1. Answer any issues or concerns

    2. Moderate our forums

    3. Monitor customer communications for quality and training purposes

    4. Develop new services which is based on the information your provide

    5. Improve our services based on the information and feedback you provide and the information and feedback provided by others

    6. Personalize our service to you to take account of the information and feedback you have provided

    7. Verify your identity when you contact us by telephone

    We use this information because this is necessary to enter into or perform our contract with you ;

    We have a legitimate interest in managing our business including:

    1. understanding and responding to customer feedback

    2. improving our services

    3. personalizing our offers so we're better able to provide offers and ideas that are relevant to you

    We use this information because it is necessary in the public interest , for example, undertaking anti-fraud screening and verifying our customer's identities.

    Information that we collect from third party partners which includes:

    1. Credit reference agencies

    2. Payment processing companies

    3. Your bank

    We use this information, including to:

    1. Provide our services

    2. Manage and administer our systems

    3. Take payment from or give you a refund

    4. Help us ensure that our customers are genuine and to prevent fraud

    5. Verify our customers' credit histories

    6. Personalize our service to you by complementing your behaviors and preferences

    7. Statistical analysis and research into our customer so that we can better understand our customers and allow us to develop and improve our services to meet the needs and preferences of our customers

    8. Combine this information with other types of information mentioned above to create holistic profile of our customers which allows us to make our services more personal and tailored to each customer's preferences and habits

    We have a legitimate interest in ensuring that we are in a financially stable situation related to business relationships with

    1. Advertising vendors that require financial verification

    2. Consumers that we are collecting and verifying funds from

    Information that we collect from individuals representing organizations , including:

    1. Contact details of individuals working for organizations

    2. Other personal information regarding such individuals

    We use this information, including to:

    1. Build relationships with other organizations

    2. Provide marketing communications to these individuals

    3. Improve our services and develop new services based on the preferences and behaviors of these individuals

    We have a legitimate business interest in managing our business including:

    1. developing and maintaining relationships with vendors, partners and other companies

    2. dealing with individuals who work for them

    3. direct marketing to business contacts

    4. ensuring that debts are paid

    5. providing security over our business and who we trade with

    Information that you provide to us when you enter and/or win any of our contests , including:

    1. A signed affidavit including your name, age, address, telephone number, winner's signature and witness signature

    2. A copy of the winner's passport or driving license

    3. Your photograph or other information

    We use this information, including to:

    1. Verify the winner's identity and age

    2. Verify that the winner has adhered to all contest rules

    3. To publicize the outcome of our contests

    We use this information because this is necessary to enter into or perform our contract with you

    We have a legitimate business interest in managing our business including:

    1. Ensuring compliance with contest rules

    2. Publicizing the outcome of contests

    We use this information because this is necessary in the public interest , for example, undertaking anti-fraud screening and verifying our customer's identities.

    Photograph and video images of you which are taken when you attend any of our events in person, including:

    1. Photographic images

    2. Video recordings

    3. Stills taken from video recordings

    We use this information, including to:

    1. Report on past events

    2. Publicize future events

    We use your information where we have a legitimate business interest in making available images and footage of our events which include incidental use of images and footage of those who attend such events.

    We also collect, use and share Aggregated Data such as statistical or demographic data for any purpose. Aggregated Data may be derived from your personal data but is not considered personal data in law as this data does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. For example, we may aggregate information about how you use our website, products and services to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific website feature. However, if we combine or connect Aggregated Data with your personal data so that it can directly or indirectly identify you, we treat the combined data as personal data which will be used in accordance with this privacy notice.

  3. Legal requirements

    We (or our merchants on our behalf) need to collect certain types of information for compliance with legal requirements relating to our anti-fraud and know your customer obligations. If this information is not provided we cannot agree to provide a product or service for you.

    Your personal information may also be processed if it is necessary on reasonable request by a law enforcement or regulatory authority, body or agency or in the defense of a legal claims. We will not delete personal information if relevant to an investigation or a dispute. It will continue to be stored until those issues are fully resolved.

  4. How long do we keep your information

    We will keep your information for as long as it is reasonably necessary. It will depend on factors such as whether you've any outstanding purchases or an account with us or have interacted with recent offers. We will also retain your information as necessary to comply with legal, accounting or reporting requirements.

    We will also routinely refresh our information to ensure we keep it up-to-date.

    It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal data changes during your relationship with us.

  5. Information we share

    There are certain circumstances where we transfer your personal data to employees, contractors and to other parties.

    1. We share your information with certain suppliers, contractors or service providers. They may process your personal data for us. Our service providers include credit card merchants, CRM platforms, customer service software providers, surveys, e-commerce fulfilment suppliers, and cloud data storage suppliers. Other service providers include programmatic advert integrators, IT suppliers, database providers and backup and disaster recovery specialists.

    2. Our suppliers and service providers will be required to meet our standards on processing information and security. The information we provide them, including your information, will only be provided in connection with the performance of their function. They will not be permitted to use your information for any purposes other than those outlined in this Privacy Notice.

    3. We also share your information with certain third parties. We will do this either when we receive your consent or because we need them to see your information to provide products or services to you. These include credit reference agencies, anti-fraud databases, screening agencies and other partners we do business with.

    Your personal information may be transferred to other third party organizations in certain scenarios:

    1. If we discuss selling or transferring part or all of our business – the information may be transferred to prospective purchasers under suitable terms as to confidentiality

    2. If we are reorganized or sold, information may be transferred to a buyer who can continue to provide services to you

    3. If we're required to by law, or under any regulatory code or practice we follow, or if we are asked by any public or regulatory authority – for example the Police

    4. If we are defending a legal claim your information may be transferred as required in connection with defending such claim

    Your personal data may be shared if it is made anonymous and aggregated, as in such circumstances the information will cease to be personal data.

  6. Where your information will be held

    Your information is transferred outside the European Economic Area.

    We store our information on cloud servers located in the United States. Our cloud services provider is part of the Privacy Shield, which requires them to provide similar protection to personal data shared between Europe and the US. For further details see European Commission: EU-US Privacy Shield https

    Where we use third party vendors based in the US, we may transfer data to them if they are part of the Privacy Shield, which requires them to provide similar protection to personal data shared between Europe and the US. For further details see European Commission: EU-US Privacy Shield

    Where we use third party vendors based in the US, but not part of the Privacy Shield, to ensure your personal information is properly protected in line with EU and UK data protection law, we will ensure that the transfer of this information is governed by a contract including Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) approved by the European Commission in accordance with Article 46(2)(c) of the General Data Protection Regulation

    We will only transfer data to jurisdictions outside the scope of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) where the appropriate safeguards set out in the GDPR are in place.

    If you would like to obtain copies of the relevant contractual clauses, please contact our Data Protection Officer at [email protected]

  7. Your Rights

    You have certain rights in relation to your information. The availability of these rights and the ways in which you can use them are set out below in more detail.

    Some of these rights will only apply in certain circumstances. If you would like to exercise, or discuss, any of these rights, please contact the Data Protection Officer at [email protected]

    1. Access: you are entitled to ask us if we are processing your information and, if we are, you can request access to your personal information. This enables you to receive a copy of the personal information we hold about you and certain other information about it to check that we are lawfully processing it.

    2. Correction: you are entitled to request that any incomplete or inaccurate personal information we hold about you is corrected.

    3. Erasure: you are entitled to ask us to delete or remove personal information in certain circumstances. There are also certain exceptions where we may refuse a request for erasure, for example, where the personal data is required for compliance with law or in connection with claims.

    4. Restriction: you are entitled to ask us to suspend the processing of certain of your personal information about you, for example if you want us to establish its accuracy or the reason for processing it.

    5. Transfer: you may request the transfer of certain of your personal information to another party.

    6. Objection: where we are processing your personal information based on a legitimate interests (or those of a third party) you may challenge this. However we may be entitled to continue processing your information based on the our legitimate interests or where this is relevant to legal claims. You also have the right to object where we are processing your personal information for direct marketing purposes.

    7. Automated decisions: We do not currently make any automated decisions. However, if we did, you may contest any automated decision made about you where this has a legal or similar significant effect and ask for it to be reconsidered.

    If you want to exercise any of these rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer in writing at [email protected]

    If you want your account to be deleted, please email [email protected] and include the username and email address on file with your account.

  8. Right to object

    You have a right to object to us processing your information in certain circumstances.

    Objection: where we are processing your personal information based on a legitimate interests (or those of a third party) you may challenge this. However we may be entitled to continue processing your information based on the our legitimate interests or where this is relevant to legal claims. You also have the right to object where we are processing your personal information for direct marketing purposes.

    You can ask us to stop processing your information at any time. In certain circumstances we may not be able to do this or may not be required to do this. For example, if the information is relevant to legal claims.

  9. Direct Marketing

    As described above, you can opt-out of receiving direct marketing from us at any time.

    We may use the information you give us on our website / app for direct marketing purposes to provide updates; newsletters; events; or other communications that we think may interest you. We will only do this with your consent (where required by law).

    You can opt-out of receiving directing marketing from us at any time. You can do this by changing your marketing preferences on your online accounts settings page, clicking on the "unsubscribe" link included at the end of any marketing email we send to you, or by contacting the Data Protection Officer at [email protected] .

  10. Analysis and Marketing

    We use third party tools to personalize the advertising displayed to you on our website / app.

    We use third party tools, including programmatic advertising, and retargeting, to make the advertising we show you on our Website and / or our partner websites more relevant and interesting to you.

    For this purpose, we use cookies, web beacons or similar technologies to collect information about your browsing behavior (see our Cookies Policy for more detailed information) and deliver interest-based ads to you.

  11. Cookies

    We use cookies that identify your browser or device. They collect and store information when you visit our website about how you use it.

    For more information about cookies, the types of cookies we use and how we use them please see our: Cookie Policy.

  12. Security

    We are committed to keeping your personal information safe. We've got physical, technical and administrative measures in place to prevent unauthorized access or use of your information.

  13. Link to third party websites

    Our website, newsletters, email updates and other communications may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of others including our partner networks, advertisers and other companies and/or social networks as offered to you and supported by your browser.

    The personal data that you provide through these websites is not subject to this Privacy Policy and the treatment of your personal data by such websites is not our responsibility. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy notices which will set out how your information is collected and processed when visiting those sites. For more information about the purpose and scope of data collection and processing in connection with social sharing features, please visit the privacy notices of entities through which you chose to share.

  14. Children

    We do not knowingly collect information from children or other persons who are under 18 years old. If you are under 18 years old, you must not submit any personal information to us or subscribe for the services. If you believe we might have any personal information from or about a person under 18 years old, please contact the Data Protection Officer.

  15. How to contact us

    If you have any questions about this policy please contact our Data
    Protection Officer: [email protected] .

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어느팀에 배팅하였는지 그 비율을 실시간 배팅 그래프로 제공 합니다,

커버스픽 컨센서스는 현재 배팅이 진행되고있는 데이터를 총배팅액, 그래프 비율 등 다양한 정보를 제공하여 스포츠배팅 유저들이 최적의 배팅을 할 수 있도록 도움을 주고있습니다.

또한, 커버스픽 전문가들이 작성한 배팅 전략과 스포츠 베팅에 대한 팁과 정보도 제공합니다.

이 모든 정보를 통해 커버스픽은 스포츠 베팅에 참여하는 사용자들이 안전하고 이성적인 배팅을 할 수 있도록 지원합니다.